Bandit Encounter: The Theatrics of Count Olav

Bandit Encounter: The Theatrics of Count Olav

Dan Kelly

DM Encounter Guide: The Theatrics of Count Olav

Why Use This Encounter? This encounter offers a unique blend of comedy and danger, making it a fun yet challenging experience for your party. Count Olav, the eccentric bandit leader, fancies himself a misunderstood actor and uses every ambush as his "grand performance." His flamboyant theatrics can create memorable roleplaying moments, giving the party opportunities for both negotiation and combat. The encounter can be easily adjusted for different party levels, making it a flexible addition to any campaign.

Encounter Setup As the party travels along a forest path, they come across an oddly staged "theatre"—a clearing with makeshift props, banners, and ramshackle seating. Standing centre stage is Count Olav, a tall, thin human with a ridiculous plume in his hat and a dramatic unibrow. He welcomes the party, declaring they’ve arrived just in time for his "latest performance," challenging them to "audition" by surviving his ambush. What follows is a staged yet dangerous battle against his bandit troupe.

Bandit Forces

Luckily The Lion's Tower has miniatures available for all these (it's almost like we wrote this encounter on purpose!) 

  • 3 Melee Bandits: Olav’s "stagehands" who handle direct combat.
  • 3 Crossbow Bandits: Positioned as “audience members,” these archers take shots when Olav cues them.
  • 3 Dwarven Bandits: They control traps and props, creating obstacles.
  • 1 Elf Bandit: A silent "assassin," striking from the shadows.
  • 1 Ogre: Olav’s "leading man," slow but devastating in combat.

Tactical Fun Throughout the battle, Olav plays the role of director, delivering over-the-top lines about "fate" and "betrayal." As the fight progresses, he may try to trick the party into joining his bandit troupe, using his charisma to sway or confuse them. The mixture of comedy and danger makes it a versatile and engaging encounter.

Rewards Beyond standard bandit loot, Olav carries a gaudy, valuable crown prop made of cheap gemstones. It may not be worth much, but in the right hands, it could fetch a decent price—or inspire laughter! The encounter is perfect for adding some levity to a tense campaign or showing that not all villains are as competent as they think.

This encounter not only serves as a combat challenge but provides opportunities for creative roleplaying and negotiation. Count Olav’s unpredictable nature and absurd ambitions make him a memorable NPC who could return in future sessions, perhaps to seek revenge or offer an even more elaborate "performance."


As the party travels down a well-worn road, they stumble upon a roadside "theatre" in the woods. Standing before a ragtag group of bandits, dwarves, an elf, and an ogre, is Count Olav, a tall, lanky human with a ridiculous plume in his hat. With a dramatic flourish, Olav greets the party, announcing that they have arrived just in time to witness his latest "performance." Of course, this is all a front for an ambush.

Count Olav, who fancies himself a misunderstood actor, will challenge the party to "audition" for his band of outlaws. The audition? Survive the ambush and prove their worth to join his troupe.

Bandit Forces:

  • 3 Bandits with melee weapons: These tough goons are Count Olav’s "stagehands," eager to show the party why they’re the stars of the show.
  • 3 Bandits with crossbows: Positioned in the trees or atop rocks, they represent the "audience" but are happy to take shots at the party when Olav gives them the cue.
  • 3 Dwarf Bandits: These dwarves handle the "props" (read: traps), trying to trip up the party with caltrops and nets.
  • 1 Elf Bandit: Silent and deadly, the elf bandit moves quickly, delivering precise strikes from the shadows.
  • 1 Ogre: Cast as Olav’s “muscle-bound leading man,” the ogre swings a massive cleaver, taking direction from Olav’s every flamboyant gesture.

    Encounter Development:

    As the fight progresses, Count Olav hams it up, delivering over-the-top lines about “destiny” and “betrayal” while trying to command his troops with dramatic flair. Olav may even try to strike a deal mid-battle if things aren’t going his way, offering to "hire" the party as actors in his troupe if they let him live.

    Tactical Note:

    While Olav isn't much of a fighter himself, his silver tongue and unpredictable antics can disrupt the party's strategies. He may use minor illusions or disguises to throw off the heroes while his bandits attack from all sides. When Olav is finally defeated, he dramatically laments the world’s loss of his “greatest performance.”


    Alongside typical bandit loot, Olav carries a gaudy yet valuable stage prop—a "crown" made of gilded metal and cheap gemstones, which might be worth something to the right buyer.

    Roleplaying Guidance: Count Olav, "The Thespian"


    A tall, lanky man with a dramatic unibrow and a receding hairline, styled so that his remaining hair sweeps back like horns. He wears a tattered smoking jacket with trousers that are slightly too short and an odd pair of outlandish shoes he insists are incredibly comfortable, despite their ridiculous appearance.


    1. “Ah, yes! Another audience has gathered for my magnificent performance! Prepare to be dazzled, simpletons!”
    2. “You dare interrupt the final act? The greatest tragedy of all is your terrible timing!”
    3. “Only a true artist would understand the value of a good ambush — now, behold, combat artistry at its finest!”


    • Constantly arches his unibrow for dramatic emphasis.
    • Speaks in a lofty, over-exaggerated tone, often pausing for effect mid-sentence, and often incorrectly using big words.
    • Claps his hands together theatrically before giving orders, believing his words are grand directions for a play rather than combat instructions.


    Count Olav fancies himself a misunderstood genius, believing the world has unfairly rejected his “talents” as both an actor and director. After several disastrous performances in various towns (which usually ended in theft and chaos), he turned to a life of banditry. Olav justifies his criminal deeds by calling them “the ultimate performance art,” staging ambushes and raids as if they were grand theatrical productions. His band of misfit bandits follow him more out of fear and confusion than admiration, but Olav remains delusional, convinced they are his loyal troupe of actors. The loss of his noble title and wealth has only fuelled his delusions of grandeur.

    Key Info:

    • Olav will always try to negotiate or trick the party into "joining his performance."
    • He believes any successful combat or trickery is proof of his brilliance.
    • Despite his theatrics, Olav can be dangerous if cornered, using his erratic nature to catch opponents off-guard.


    Count Olav, Bardic Bandit Thespian

    Medium Humanoid, Neutral Evil 

    AC 15

    HP 44

    Speed 30ft

    Initiative +2 (12)

    CR 2 (XP 450; PB +2) 

    STAT Value Modifier Save
    STR 11 +0 +0
    INT 10 +0 +0
    DEX 14 +2 +4
    WIS 13 +1 +3
    CON 12 +1 +1
    CHA 14 +2 +2


    Skills Acrobatics +4, Perception +5, Performance +6

    Gear Dagger, Rapier

    Senses Passive Perception 15

    Languages Any two languages


    Multiattack. Olav makes one Rapier attack and one dagger attack. He can replace one attack with a use of Spellcasting.

    Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.

    Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

    Cacophony (Recharge 4–6). Each creature in a 15-foot cube originating from the bard must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 9 (2d8) thunder damage and is pushed up to 10 feet away from Olav. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't pushed.

    Spellcasting. Olav casts one of the following spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12):

    • At will: Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
    • 1/day each: Charm Person, Invisibility, Sleep

      Bonus Actions

      Taunt (2/Day). Olav targets one creature within 30 feet of it. If the target can hear the bard, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until the start of the Olav's next turn.

      Roleplaying guidance written using the format provided by The Alexandrian


      Human Bandits


      Medium Humanoid, Neutral Evil 

      AC 12

      HP 11

      Speed 30ft

      Initiative +1 (11)

      CR 1/8 (XP 25; PB +2)

      STAT Value Modifier Save
      STR 11 +0 +0
      INT 10 +0 +0
      DEX 12 +1 +1
      WIS 10 +0 +0
      CON 12 +1 +1
      CHA 10 +0 +0

      Gear Light Crossbow or Scimitar

      Senses Passive Perception 10

      Languages Any one language (usually Common)


      Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

      Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

      Dwarf Bandits

      Medium Humanoid, Neutral Evil 

      AC 12

      HP 11

      Speed 25ft

      Initiative +1 (11)

      CR 1/8 (XP 25; PB +2)

      STAT Value Modifier Save
      STR 13 +1 +1
      INT 10 +0 +0
      DEX 12 +1 +1
      WIS 11 +0 +0
      CON 12 +1 +1
      CHA 10 +0 +0

      Gear Handaxe

      Senses  Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12

      Languages Any one language (usually Common), Dwarvish


      Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.

      Drow Elf Bandit

      Medium Humanoid, Lawful Evil 

      AC 12

      HP 11

      Speed 30ft

      Initiative +1 (11)

      CR 1/8 (XP 25; PB +2)

      STAT Value Modifier Save
      STR 11 +0 +0
      INT 10 +0 +0
      DEX 12 +1 +1
      WIS 10 +0 +0
      CON 12 +1 +1
      CHA 10 +0 +0

      Gear Scimitar

      Skills Perception +2

      Senses   Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 10

      Languages Any one language (usually Common), Elvish


      Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.


      Fey Ancestry. The drow bandit has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put the drow bandit to sleep.

      Innate Spellcasting. The drow bandit's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 10). The drow bandit can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

      • At will: dancing lights
      • 1/day each: darkness, faerie fire
      Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the drow bandit has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

      Ogre Bandit

      Large Humanoid, Chaotic Evil 

      AC 11

      HP 59

      Speed 40ft

      Initiative -1 (9)

      CR 2 (XP 450; PB +2)

      STAT Value Modifier Save
      STR 19 +4 +4
      INT 5 -3 -3
      DEX 8 -1 -1
      WIS 7 -2 -2
      CON 16 +3 +3
      CHA 7 -2 -2

      Gear Cleaver

      Senses  Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8

      Languages Common, Giant


      Cleaver.  Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.

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