JULY UPDATE - including Goliath Barbarians, Crystal Collapse mine STL files and more!

JULY UPDATE - including Goliath Barbarians, Crystal Collapse mine STL files and more!

Dan Kelly

Goliath Barbarians

I've had an amusing request recently from a customer with a very specific taste: Goliath Barbarians for the cult of Venger, the old-school villain from the 80s D&D cartoon. He wanted these barbarians to sport horned helms—with one horn conspicuously absent, as a nod to their sinister sponsor. You can check out the painted render of the trio in the featured image. The test prints are done, and these one-horn-wonder barbarians will be charging into the store in July. So, get ready to unleash some nostalgic mayhem!

Crystal Collapse Mining Terrain

I've been juggling quite a few projects for Crystal Collapse, and it's almost ready to ship! Just waiting on the final package from Germany with all the MDF components. Fingers crossed customs don’t get too attached and hold onto them for too long!

 In other news, I’ve secretly been crafting some new character sets for the game which we'll reveal to you all soon. Also, feast your eyes on the mining shack terrain set below! It features a quaint cottage, a wooden mining shed (complete with pickaxe and lantern), crates, barrels (which double as elevations), a mine track and cart for blocking terrain, and a lonely tree (I'll make him a friend or 2 and then he'll be a happy little tree!).
Happy Little Bob Ross painting a Happy Little Tree

Still to come: carts brimming with crystals, rocky outcrops, and a mine entrance (one with a door, one safely boarded up). Once the STL files are optimised and tested for resin printing, they'll be ready for sale. Stay tuned!

Crystal Collapse Ruins Bases STLs - Available Now!

I've also made a set of ruins themes bases which are actually already available to order on the Crystal Collapse website.

If you can't wait to get your grubby little hands on them, then wait no longer!  You can grab them here right now: https://crystal-collapse.com/product/30mm-diameter-sculpted-ruins-bases-for-crystal-collapse-stl-files/ 

The Miniature of the Month

For June, the Miniature of the Month has been the lovely Grok, Half-orc rat catcher!  He's a lovely chunky model who feels right at home in a rat infested RPG cityscape.  Despite his fairly menial sounding job, he's a bit of a brute, brandishing a hefty rat bashing "whack-a-rat" club, and a crossbow, for the ones that try to escape!  Time’s running out, but order £40 worth of minis in June, and Grok’s yours for free in resin or STL!

From the 1st July, the miniature of the month will be Elyndra, the Female Elven druid with her with snake companion Syl and songbird Ryn.  As with Grok in June, just spend £40 in store and then add her to your basket in whatever format you like and she'll be gifted to you totally free! 

Female Druid (32mm scale resin miniature with MDF base)

First a Miniature Painter, then a Sculptor, and now...

In other news, I've been working on a side project for a while now that's a bit of a deviation from sculpting.  I've been writing story content for a couple of years since I did the Kingdom of Talarius and expanded the world of Edillion out with a sprawling origin story with the intention of funnelling all of it into an Adventurer's Guild dungeon crawler/skirmish game.  For those of you interested, we're making advances with that game and we'll be bringing it to you all soon so you can Assemble your favourite Lion's Tower miniatures into a guild adventure party and battle it out on the tabletop.  But that's not what I wanted to tell you about anyway!  That's just me getting excited about stuff and going off on a tangent!!  

As part of my development of the Adventurer's Guild game, I commissioned a number of beautiful art pieces from the fantastic illustrator Dio Mahesa,  I only got round to sculpting one of them so far - Alenor, and her imp familiar Griblett. Well as it so happens, I got a little engrossed writing Alenor's back story and I'm now around 35000 words into my first novel in the Talarian Adventurer's Guild series! As the story develops I'm creating new characters and including existing ones, and I'll sculpt all of the new ones to create a full book set ready for when the book is complete and ready to publish.  If I can't get a publisher on board for it I'll self publish through Amazon KDP so the book will eventually be available in paperback and e-book formats  

A greyscale render with a light blue backlight depicting Alenor the Elven Sorceress and her Familiar, Griblett the Imp..  The Lion's Tower logo is depicted at the front centre of the image.


Thanks for sticking with my ramblings and reading to the end!  

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