Where do I start with miniatures for D&D?
Dan KellyShare
Where do I start with miniatures for D&D?
Many of the models we produce can be used in Tabletop RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), Pathfinder and more and in fact many are designed to be used for that purpose. But with such a huge selection available, where is the best place to start?!
Lets look at this question from 2 points of view: Players and DMs, as the requirements of each will affect the kind of models you're looking for.
Player Minis
Are you a Player? If so, then you're probably going to be most interested in the Heroes and NPCs that we sell as they will be most well suited to your player needs. Our miniatures are designed to paint beautifully and if you buy in resin they are shipped to you ready to paint (you'll need to prime them first but that's it). You can use the filters on the left hand side of the store page to help reduce the number of miniatures available to you.

Minis for a Dungeon Masters (DMs)
If you're a DM then we have a good collection of generic NPCs and enemy type encounters that you can use in your games. Not all of them will be appropriate to all settings, but things like Cultists, skeletons, ghouls and zombies to name but a few are a staple that all DM's should have at their disposal and can be written into most campaigns irrespective of the primary story content. We've also created our own versions of many of the NPCs required for Baldurs Gate: Descent into Avernus, so if you're playing that one, be sure to check out our store as we are confident you'll find almost everything! Check our Villains and NPCs collections to find the miniatures that might suit your needs the best.

What about Non-combatants?
If you're a DM you'll know that players can sometimes derail your well laid plans and those non-combatant characters you've worked in can end up in all sorts of scuffles and trouble! Whilst it's often not necessary to include models for these characters in the games, we do make a lot of them as we have found that they can end up involved in unplanned combats or accompanying the player party (willingly or otherwise!), so we've got your back no matter the circumstances!

Can't find what you need?
Sign up to our Patreon as a Gold Member and you can make requests for miniatures that you need. If the request particularly captures my imagination or is a staple that we're missing from our collection then I may well add them to the range - These Dragonnes/Lion Drakes are a great example of a request that I just couldn't say no to!